Noordanus AdvocatuurFAQ

FAQ Criminal Law

How do you become a criminal defense attorney?

To become a criminal defense attorney, you must first complete a law degree at a recognized university. After obtaining your bachelor’s degree in law, you can choose to pursue a master’s degree in law with a specialization in criminal law, for example. Subsequently, you can apply for an internship at Noordanus Advocatuur as a trainee lawyer or as a legal assistant. During this phase, you will have the opportunity to work under the guidance of experienced criminal defense attorneys and gain practical experience in criminal law. After completing your traineeship and obtaining your professional training, you can start representing clients independently in criminal cases as a full-fledged member of our team.

Where are criminal defense attorneys registered?

Criminal defense attorneys at Noordanus Advocatuur are registered with the Dutch Bar Association and the Legal Aid Board. These registrations ensure that our attorneys meet the required qualifications and ethical standards to represent clients at a high level. Each of our attorneys is registered for their own specialties, with criminal law being one of these specialties for each of our attorneys.

What is a criminal defense attorney?

A criminal defense attorney is an experienced legal professional specialized in defending clients accused of criminal offenses. The attorneys at Noordanus Advocatuur provide expert legal advice and represent clients with passion and dedication throughout all stages of the criminal justice process.

Who pays for a criminal defense attorney?

At Noordanus Advocatuur, we offer various payment options for our clients:
Subsidized legal aid: Clients with a low income may qualify for subsidized legal aid, where the government covers most of the attorney’s costs.
Fee agreement: For clients who do not qualify for subsidized legal aid, we offer the option of fee agreements. This means that we agree on a fixed amount for the legal services upfront.
Paying basis: Some clients choose to use our services on a paying basis, where they pay directly for the legal assistance provided on an hourly basis.

Is a criminal defense attorney mandatory?

Although it is not always mandatory, it is highly recommended to hire a criminal defense attorney when faced with a criminal matter. At Noordanus Advocatuur, we believe that obtaining expert legal advice and representation is essential to protect your rights and achieve a favorable outcome in your case. Here are some reasons why it is advisable to hire a criminal defense attorney:
Legal expertise: Criminal cases can be complex and often require specialized legal knowledge. An experienced criminal defense attorney at Noordanus Advocatuur has the expertise to effectively manage and defend your case.
Protection of rights: An attorney will protect your rights as a suspect or victim and ensure that you are treated fairly by the legal system. They will ensure that your interests are represented and try to prevent you from being disadvantaged during the process.
Strategic defense: A criminal defense attorney will develop a strategy to defend your case and achieve the best results. They will analyze all available evidence, interview witnesses, and prepare an effective defense to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. While it may not be legally mandatory to hire an attorney in all criminal cases, we strongly recommend doing so to ensure that you receive the best legal assistance and your rights are protected.

FAQ Juvenile Law

What is juvenile law?

Juvenile law is a specific legal area that focuses on minors suspected of committing criminal offenses. This legal system aims to punish young people in an appropriate and rehabilitative manner, taking into account their age, development, and circumstances. At Noordanus Advocatuur, Mr. Noordanus understands the complexity of juvenile criminal cases and provides specialized legal assistance for minors facing criminal issues.

What are the differences between juvenile law and adult criminal law?

Juvenile law differs from adult criminal law in several ways. It places more emphasis on rehabilitation and reintegration than punishment. Also, the penalties are often less severe, and alternative measures can be imposed to help the young person in their development. Mr. Noordanus is familiar with the nuances of juvenile law and can assist young people and their families with his expertise and insight into these specific legal areas.

Can I, as a minor, get a criminal record?

Yes, minors can get a criminal record if they are convicted of criminal offenses. This can affect their future opportunities for education, employment, and other aspects of life. At Noordanus Advocatuur, Mr. Noordanus strives to protect the interests of minors and help them build a promising future. He will do everything possible to achieve the best results for young people facing juvenile law.

What kind of penalties can be imposed in juvenile law?

In juvenile law, various penalties and measures can be imposed, ranging from community service and juvenile detention to alternative measures such as juvenile probation, behavioral interventions, and educational measures. Mr. Noordanus has experience navigating the range of penalties and measures that can be imposed in juvenile law and will guide his clients through each step of the process.

Do I need a lawyer as a minor in juvenile law?

While it is not legally required to have a lawyer for minor offenses in juvenile law, it is highly recommended to seek legal assistance in all cases. A lawyer can protect the rights of the minor, advise them on their options, and set up an effective defense to achieve the best outcome. Additionally, assistance is almost always free for minors. At Noordanus Advocatuur, Mr. Noordanus understands the challenges faced by minors in juvenile law and provides expert legal assistance to help protect their rights.

FAQ Victim Cases

What are victim cases?

Victim cases refer to legal proceedings focusing on the rights and interests of victims of crimes in criminal law. These proceedings may include obtaining compensation, protection, and justice for victims of crimes such as serious violent and sexual offenses.

How can a lawyer help me as a victim of a crime?

The attorneys at Noordanus Advocatuur can assist victims of crimes by representing their legal rights, advising them on their options, and guiding them through the legal process. This may include filing a claim for damages, requesting protective measures, and representing the victim during court proceedings.

Can I get free legal assistance as a victim of a crime?

Yes, victims of serious sexual and/or violent offenses may qualify for free legal assistance. The attorneys at Noordanus Advocatuur provide free legal assistance to victims of such crimes to help them protect their rights and seek justice. Curious to know if you qualify? We’re happy to provide more information.

What costs are covered for victims of serious sexual and/or violent offenses?

For victims of serious sexual and/or violent offenses, the costs of legal assistance are fully covered by the Legal Aid Board. This includes all attorney fees.

How can I contact a lawyer for free legal assistance as a victim of a crime?

If you are a victim of a serious sexual and/or violent offense and need free legal assistance, you can directly contact the attorneys at Noordanus Advocatuur. Our team is ready to discuss your case, protect your rights, and help you seek justice. Within 24 hours, your case will be reviewed by a lawyer, and you will be informed if our attorneys can assist you.