Law firm
Noordanus Advocatuur is the criminal law firm of Lelystad, Flevoland and surrounding areas. Operating from the modern law office located in the center of Lelystad, we handle cases nationwide. The team at Noordanus Advocatuur currently consists of two lawyers, a legal assistant, and a support team of interns from various legal backgrounds.

Free initial consultation
The first (digital) consultation with our office, lasting 10-15 minutes, is free of charge and without obligation. During this meeting, we will attempt to answer your initial questions, assess whether we can take on your case, and provide a preliminary estimate of the costs of legal assistance. Please contact our office for a free consultation in person or by phone, or schedule one yourself via the button below.

Lawyer Mr. Noordanus
Mr. Noordanus is de eigenaresse van kantoor en een advocaat met een sterk analytisch vermogen, die door haar doorzettingsvermogen en goede communicatieve vaardigheden uw belangen op een daadkrachtige manier behartigt. De specialisaties van mr. Noordanus bij de Raad voor Rechtsbijstand zijn Strafrecht, Jeugdstrafrecht & Slachtofferzaken.

Criminal law Flevoland
Noordanus Advocatuur exclusively handles criminal cases, including but not limited to large-scale fraud, sexual offenses, violent crimes, homicide, human trafficking, drug-related offenses, organized crime, property crimes, and traffic offenses.

Juvenile law Flevoland
Lawyer Mr. Noordanus represents children and young adults who are suspected of committing a criminal offense. A different approach is needed for children and young adults compared to adults who come into contact with the criminal justice system.

Victim support Flevoland
Noordanus Advocatuur provides assistance not only to suspects but also to victims and their families in criminal cases. The firm primarily focuses on providing legal representation to victims or their families of serious violent and sexual offenses.